Black Hole


Here lies Blaseball.

To Fans of Blaseball, who have cheered and cried with us, who watched Suns die and Eras pass, who have defied the Gods and death itself, who have been with us through the end of the world as we knew it and then what came after: thank you.

It has been a great joy to make Blaseball for you. Hopefully one day in the not too distant future, something new will bring us all back together.

Rest in Violence.

The Game Band

The Commissioner of Blaseball

Parker MacMillan IIIII

Studio Management

Sam Rosenthal

Roneil Reddy

Melissa Villanueva


Felix Kramer

Gabe McGill

Lonnie Rad

Game Design

Stephen Bell

Joel Clark

Alexei Pepers

Trans-media Narrative and Marketing

LB Hunktears

Growth Marketing

Abi Ashok

Jennifer Blanton

Product Design

Eric Akaoka

Sean Durfee

Adam Saint


Cory Davis

Stephanie Pozos


Emily Garcia

Mel Griffin

Ethan “Eden” Gooding

Omar Malavé

Roldán Melcon

Alejandro Monasterios

Robert Moore

Elena Murphy

Jesse Raccio

Lucas Spirandeli

Christine Williamson


Aya Freundt

Sven “Notes” Michel

Community Design

Bria “Croms” Davis

Aleksandria “Sins” Minmaximus

Quinn “Mountain” Palmer

Elliot “Orb” Trinidad

Community Moderators

C. F. "Pigeons" Light

Christopher “Launchpad” Money

Max “Max” Nealeigh

Volunteer Moderators (The Keepers)

Brendan “Atlantic” McLeod

Meguey “Bees” Baker

Elizabeth "Chaos" Vialls

Dylan "Dax" Ivory

Colin "Durt" McInerney

Coby “East” West

Keeper “Sera” Ergodicist

Morgan “Executioner” Noel

Keeper Flannel

Keeper Fox

Kevin "Malort" Knight

Alyxzandria "Moth" Smith

Liv “Owl” Miller

Em “Penny” Broude

Keeper “Bri” Siggif

Elliot Degrassi "Skates" Yokum

Nick "tree" Richards

Billy "Truck" Galant

Barrett "Weeks" Beach

D.J. “Wicket” Ringis

Dylan “Zilch” Ilvento

Special Thanks

Sam Kabo Ashwell

Sweet Baby Inc

Torin Borrowdale

Scott “Joel’s Dad” Clark

The Custodians

Evolve PR

Glass Embroidery


Kristi Knupp

Nayely Martinez

Cat Manning

Studio Meala


Arman Nobari


Kobi Saha

Alex Schleifer

Quintin Smith

Wayfinder Games

Our friends, family, partners, plants, and pets for their support

Our Community

The Chroniclers

The Artists and Writers

The Shitposters

The Musicians

The Fundraisers

The Spreadsheet Keepers

The Posters

The Helpers

The God Killers

The Fans

Your passion astounds us always.

Thank you for playing.

The Monitor